The deadline for applying for postdoctoral positions at the Center for Institutional Studies, HSE University, is in 7 days!
We have asked our current postdoctoral research fellow Kaspar Pucek a few questions about Postdoctoral program at CInSt.
New HERB issue is out!
The new issue of "Higher Education in Russia and Beyond" focuses on university graduates in the labor market.

CInSt Research Seminar 'Quo Vadis? Evidence on New Firm-Bank Matching and Firm Performance Following Bad Bank Closures': Mikhail Mamonov (CERGE-EI and MGIMO)
Mikhail Mamonov (CERGE-EI and MGIMO) has presented a paper "Quo Vadis? Evidence on New Firm-Bank Matching and Firm Performance Following Bad Bank Closures" on the regular CInSt research seminar on January, 20. We invite you to watch the seminar following the link below.

The CinSt would like to wish you a fabulous New Year!
Let the coming 2022 year be fruitful and successful, filled with new opportunities and achievements.

The new HERB issue is out!
The quality of university teaching has always been in the spotlight, but challenges that higher education institutions have been facing during the Covid-19 pandemic have made researchers and policymakers pay special attention to changes in teaching.

CInSt Research Seminar "Voting, Contagion and the Trade-Off between Public Health and Political Rights: Quasi-Experimental Evidence from the Italian 2020 Polls": Giuseppe Moscelli (University of Surrey)
Giuseppe Moscelli (University of Surrey) has presented a paper "Voting, Contagion and the Trade-Off between Public Health and Political Rights: Quasi-Experimental Evidence from the Italian 2020 Polls" on the regular CInSt research seminar on November 25

CInSt Research Seminar "The making of social democracy: The economic and electoral consequences of Norway’s 1936 folk school reform": Tuomas Pekkarinen (VATT)
Tuomas Pekkarinen (VATT) has presented a paper "The making of social democracy: The economic and electoral consequences of Norway’s 1936 folk school reform" on the regular CInSt research seminar on November 11. Watch the video following the link bellow