An updated version of the working paper by Timur Natkhov and Natalia Vasilenok is now available at SSRN
"Ploughs, Fairs and Skills: the Volga Germans and Technology Adoption in Late Imperial Russia", an updated version of the working paper by Timur Natkhov, Senior Research Fellow at CInSt, and Natalia Vasilenok, Research Assistant at CInSt, has been published at SSRN.

Francisco Cabrera participated in the event about Monitoring and Evaluation of the 2030 UN Agenda
Francisco Cabrera, Research Fellow at CInSt, participated in "The Evaluation Week gLOCAL 2020", an event celebrated every year in different developing countries around the world. It gathers academics, practitioners, civil society and development experts to discuss about Monitoring and Evaluation around the 2030 UN Agenda.

CInSt Research Seminar
Jorge García-Hombrados presented a joint paper with Joan Costa-Font and Anna Nicinska "The Effects of Communist Indoctrination: Evidence from Two Educational Reforms in Poland" on CInSt online research seminar on June 4th.

Open enrollment for collective research projects for students of the Faculty of Economic Sciences
Center for Institutional Studies opens an enrollment for research projects for students of the Faculty of Economic Sciences in key research areas. Please, see the projects below

CInSt research seminar
María Padilla-Romo presented her paper "When Crime Comes to the Neighborhood: Short-Term Shocks to Student Cognition and Secondary Consequences" on the regular CInSt research seminar on 28 May

Stanislav Avdeev has been awarded for the best master's thesis in economics
Stanislav Avdeev, Research Assistant at CInSt, has received an award in the best master's thesis competition in economics held by the European University at Saint Petersburg. The topic of the paper is "Zero Returns to Higher Education: Evidence from a Natural Experiment". Victor Rudakov, Research Fellow at CInSt, Senior Research Fellow at LLMS, is a supervisor of Stanislav's thesis.
A paper by Andrey Lovakov and Maria Yudkevich is published in Higher Education
The paper “The Post-Soviet Publication Landscape for Higher Education Research” by Andrey Lovakov, Research Fellow at CInSt, and Maria Yudkevich, Director of CInSt, has been published in Higher Education.

How and when are governments able to encourage firms and schools to work together to develop workers’ skills?
Israel Marques presented a joint paper "Encouraging Skill Development: Evidence from Public-Private Partnerships in Education in Russia’s Regions" on the regular CInSt research seminar on 21st May

How to develop a proper research design?
Paola Valbonesi, Senior Research Fellow at CInSt, gave a lecture about research design for the research assistants and friends of the Center for Institutional Studies at HSE University. Prof. Valbonesi discussed different topics from formulation of the research problem and choosing an appropriate methodology, to the academic writing and the promotion of your paper.

Does digital television increase the probability of employment?
Adrian Nieto presented his paper "Television and the Labour Supply: Evidence from the Digital Television Transition in the UK" on the regular CInSt research seminar on May 14. The author exploits exogenous variation in the date of transition from analogue to digital television signal in the UK to estimate the causal effect of television on the pobability of employment and reveal potential mechanisms.