CInSt team received the grant of the Russian Science Foundation
The grant funds the project "The structure and paths of science in the post-Soviet space: institutional practices and bibliometric analysis". The aim is to compare the development of science in post-Soviet countries in a dynamic perspective. The results of the project will make possible to assess the current state of research in post-Soviet countries, understand the paths of their development over the past 30 years, and evaluate their success.

New issue of "Higher Education in Russia and Beyond"
This issue of HERB is dedicated to demographic trends in higher education

12 research assistants joined the CInSt team for academic endeavors
Students of Faculty of Economics Sciences, Faculty of Social Sciences, and Institute of Education have started their academic career at the Center working on different projects.

The schedule of CInSt online research seminars for April and May is available
We invite everyone to join our prolific online seminars for discussions and new ideas. The seminars are held on each Thursday at 18:10 (Moscow time) in Zoom

A new paper by Ilya Prakhov and Denis Sergienko has been published in European Journal of Education
A paper “Matching between students and universities: What are the sources of inequalities of access to higher education?’ by Ilya Prakhov, Senior Research Fellow at CInSt, and Denis Sergienko has been published in European Journal of Education.

First successful CInSt research seminar online!
Natalia Matveeva presented her joint research with Anuška Ferligoj "Scientific Collaboration in Russian Universities before and after the Excellence Initiative Project 5-100" online in Zoom.

How to join the event online?
You can join the online events without installing new software, just through your browser

How to detect corruption in public procurement auctions with reserve prices?
Elena Podkolzina presented a joint research with Sümeyra Atmaca and Koen Schoors "Corrupt Reserve Prices" on CInSt research seminar on 12th March.

The schedule of CInSt research seminars for March and April is available
We invite everyone to join our prolific seminars for discussions and new ideas. The seminars are held on each Thurday in K416, 11 Pokrovsky Boulevard.

Russian translation of the book "War, Wine, and Taxes" by John Nye has been published
Gaidar Institute Press has published the Russian translation of the book "War, Wine, and Taxes: The Political Economy of Anglo-French Trade, 1689-1900" by John Nye, Leading Research Fellow at CInSt and Professor of Economics at George Mason University. The original book was published in 2007 by Princeton University Press.