The schedule of CInSt online research seminars for May is available
We invite everyone to join our prolific online seminars for discussions and new ideas. The seminars are held on each Thursday at 18:10 (Moscow time) in Zoom

CInSt workshop by John Nye for research assistants
John Nye, Professor at George Mason University and Leading Research Fellow at CInSt, held a two-days workshop for research assistants “How to do a good research project”.
Economics Virtual Seminar Calendar by RePEc
Center for Institutional Studies at HSE University provides all its’ teaching and research activities online along with other unversities around the globe. CInSt research seminars take place online each Thursday at 18:10 (UTC+3).
Experiments in Public Procurement
Riccardo Camboni presented a joint paper "Bidding on Price and Quality: An Experiment on the Complexity of Scoring Auctions" on the regular online CInSt research seminar on 23th April

CInSt team welcomed new research assistants online
CInSt held a traditional welcome party in a novel online-format for 12 new research assistants who recently joined the center on Zoom.

Intergenerational Childcare: Full-time Schools and Grandmother’s Labour Supply
Francisco Cabrera presented a joined paper on the regular online CInSt research seminar on 16th April. This study analyses the effect of childcare provision on the labor supply of grandmothers with school-age grandchildren in the context of Mexico’s Full-Time Schools Program. The authors document how the availability of all-day schools in a municipality affects grandmothers’ decision to participate in the labor market both at the extensive and intensive margins.

A new working paper by John Nye, Cheryl Litman, Maksym Bryukhanov, and Sergiy Polyachenko has been published
A paper “The Universal Link between Higher Education and Pro-Market Values” by John Nye (George Mason University, HSE University), Cheryl Litman (George Mason University), Maksym Bryukhanov (HSE University), and Sergiy Polyachenko (University of New Brunswick) has been published in HSE working paper series.

Stanislav Avdeev has been accepted to the MPhil Program in Economics in Tinbergen Institute
Stanislav Avdeev, Research Assistant at CInSt, has been admitted to the fully funded research master in economics in Tinbergen Institute in Amsterdam. Since Stanislav joined the CInSt team in 2017, his research focuses on the economics of education, labour economics, and applied microeconomics. Stanislav is an alumnus of Russian Summer School on Institutional Analysis.