Congratulations to Natalia Vasilenok on being admitted to Ph.D. program at Stanford!
Natalia Vasilenok, Research Assistant at CInSt, has been accepted to Ph.D. program in Political Science at Stanford University.

Does the government support of leading universities affect not supported ones?
Anna Panova presented a joint research with Maria Yudkevich, Andrey Lovakov, and Ivan Sterligov on CInSt research seminar on 27th February.

In countries with weak institutions governments can sustain self-enforcing long-term relationships with private oil & gas companies
Marta Troya-Martinez presented a joint research with Radoslaw Stefanski and Gerhard Toews "Institutions and Dynamic Relational Contracts in the Oil & Gas Industry" on CInSt research seminar on February 20th.

Call for the Russian Summer School on Institutional Analysis is open!
The aim of the RSSIA is to promote empirical research in various fileds of economics and foster the communication and expertise exchange between young researchers, established scholars, faculty, and students.

Does the share of enemies in a camp (vragi naroda) predict development outcomes today?
Highlights of the presentation "Enemies of the People" by Gerhard Toews on the CInSt research seminar.

Highlights of the CInSt research seminar with Pavel Andreyanov
Pavel Andreyanov presented his research "Secret Reserve Prices and Uncertainty in Timber Auctions" on CInSt research seminar on February 6th.

Interview with Francisco Cabrera-Hernandez, Postdoctoral Research Fellow at CInSt
"Only a handful of universities in the world could match the amount of resources invested by HSE in economics research". Francisco Cabrera joined the Center for Institutional Studies last year as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Education and shares his inerasible impressions of HSE and Moscow

A new article by Maria Yudkevich has been published in International Higher Education
The article "Publish or Perish" is a paper written by Maria Yudkevich, Director of CInSt. This article considers the causes and consequences of the increasing role of the “publish or perish” principle in modern academic systems. In particular, it discusses how various types of universities interpret this principle and why its causes differ across academic systems.

Interview with Bernardo Pincheira Sarmiento, Postdoctoral Research Fellow at CInSt
Bernardo Pincheira Sarmiento joined the Center for Institutional Studies last year as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in education. 6 months have passed, and it is time to share his fecund experience of working at HSE University and living in Moscow.

The schedule of CInSt research seminars for February and March is available
We invite everyone to join our prolific seminars for discussions and new ideas. The seminars are held on each Thursday in K416, 11 Pokrovsky Boulevard.