First successful CInSt research seminar online!
Natalia Matveeva presented her joint research with Anuška Ferligoj "Scientific Collaboration in Russian Universities before and after the Excellence Initiative Project 5-100" online in Zoom.
The authors evaluate whether the Project 5-100 has changed collaboration patterns between universities in Russia. Initially, the Project 5-100 aimed to improve global competitiveness of leading Russian universities and their research productivity but it turned out to increase their cooperation as well.
The authors find that after joining the project, participating universities increased both cooperation with each other, as well as with foreign universities and research institutions of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The collaboration patterns of non-participating universities did not change significantly. The importance of the Project 5-100 universities in the global academic network has increased, along with their visibility in the national network.
The authors conclude that the historical division between university and academic sectors diminished, and the participating universities started to play more important role in knowledge production within the country.