CInSt at the 30th Annual Consortium of Higher Education Researchers
Our researchers visited the 30th Annual Consortium of Higher Education Researchers (CHER) conference that took place in Jyväskylä (Finland) this year.
Public-private Partnership: Comparing the Russian and the European Experience
A research seminar on ‘Public-private partnership: design and discussion’ took place at the HSE campus in Perm. The event was organized by the Division of Public-Private Partnership Studies. Russian, as well as international researchers from Italy, Sweden, and Great Britain, spoke on topical problems of public-private partnership.
‘Stay at Home in Summer – Stay without a Research in Winter’
This summer, research interns from the Centre for Institutional Studies participated in the 4thGESIS Summer School in Survey Methodology in Cologne and share their impressions about it below.

The Book Market, Finance and Reasons for Self-Medication: What People are Studying at the Summer School on Institutional Analysis
In the Moscow Region, the Ninth Russian Summer School on Institutional Analysis (RSSIA) was held recently, bringing together 26 young researchers from Italy, Montenegro, the Philippines, Macedonia, Great Britain, Japan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan and Russia. During the programme, they addressed problems concerning the economics of education, financial institutions, the public sector, and the theory of industrial markets.