In anticipation of a call for RSSIA 2018 that is due very soon, in December, we have got nostalgic about the past summer and decided to share some details with you.
‘Information about the School is Passed from Generation to Generation’
From July 2 – 7, 2016, the 10th Russian Summer School on Institutional Analysis (RSSIA) took place just outside of Moscow. This event traditionally attracts experts in various areas of institutional research, as well as young researchers, for whom the School is a chance to work on projects under the supervision of leading scholars.

The Book Market, Finance and Reasons for Self-Medication: What People are Studying at the Summer School on Institutional Analysis
In the Moscow Region, the Ninth Russian Summer School on Institutional Analysis (RSSIA) was held recently, bringing together 26 young researchers from Italy, Montenegro, the Philippines, Macedonia, Great Britain, Japan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan and Russia. During the programme, they addressed problems concerning the economics of education, financial institutions, the public sector, and the theory of industrial markets.