HERB 3(21): Teaching and Learning: in Search for Balance
This issue of HERB is dedicated to one of the most prosaic university topics – teaching. The question of how to teach at university has regained relevance because of changes in the external and internal conditions of HEI.

HERB 4(18) Academic Inbreeding
The winter issue of the journal is all about academic inbreeding. This time, not only there are various articles for those who take an interest in this topic, but also a short guide on research literature dedicated to academic inbreeding for the most curious ones.

HERB 2(16) English in Russian Universities: Mind the Gap
This issue addresses the problems of integrating faculty and students into the global educational and research environment.
Apply online to RSSIA 2018
Starting now and up to the 20th of March you can apply to the annual Russian Summer School on Institutional Analysis (RSSIA 2018).
In anticipation of a call for RSSIA 2018 that is due very soon, in December, we have got nostalgic about the past summer and decided to share some details with you.

HERB 3(13) Fall 2017 Higher School of Everything
In 2017, Higher School of Economics turns 25. For a university, this is a very young age, so we will celebrate this milestone in the form of an “anti-anniversary”: we give out presents instead of receiving them, we laugh at ourselves, contemplate about the challenges we face and about how to become even better. This special issue of Higher Education in Russia and Beyond, which discusses the development of our university, is published as part of this “anti-anniversary year.”

Higher Education in Russia and Beyond 2(12) Summer 2017
The new issue focuses on international students, their importance for higher educational institutions and the change they bring.