HERB 1(15) University Mergers and Collaborations in Higher Education
The new issue of HERB is devoted to mergers and collaborations in higher education.

HERB 4(14) Winter 2017 Women in Academia
The winter issue of Higher Education in Russia and Beyond addresses a very relevant topic — position on women in academia.
New article "Antecedents of organizational commitment among faculty: an exploratory study"
New article "Antecedents of organizational commitment among faculty: an exploratory study" by Andrey Lovakov in Tertiary Education and Management.
New book about global academic rankings is out
In collaboration with the Center for International Higher Education the Center for Institutional Studiesis delighted to announce the forthcoming (March 24, 2016) publication of The Global Academic Rankings Game (Routledge).
New issue of the journal ‘Higher Education in Russia and Beyond’
The new issue unfolds the already famous principle ‘publish or perish’, which is spreading fast across university systems all over the world. The message of it is straightforward: in order to prosper at university nowadays, faculty have to publish in addition to teaching. How does it impact on academics, their self-perception and their strategies? What other consequences of following this principle are there?

The pros and cons of Russia's Project 5-100
Maria Yudkevich discusses in Times Higher Education the effects of the Russian government's focus on university rankings
CInSt is a part of the new global initiative in international higher education
Center for Institutional Studies became part of the Group of ‘Global Centres for International Higher Education Studies’
New working paper "Does Biological Endowment Matter for Demand for Financial Services? Evidence from Russian Household Survey"
New working paper "Does Biological Endowment Matter for Demand for Financial Services? Evidence from Russian Household Survey" by Maria Semenova and Irina Andrievskaya.
New issue of the bulletin ‘Higher Education in Russia and Beyond’
The new issue unfolds the post-Soviet story of Russian mathematics — one of the most prominent academic fields. We invited the authors who could not only present the post-Soviet story of Russian math but also those who have made a contribution to its glory.
New working paper "Institutions and Visa Regimes"
New working paper "Institutions and Visa Regimes" by Camila Gracheva, Leonid Polishchuk, Koen Schoors, and Alexander Yarkin.