HERB 2(20): How to Recruit Internationally and Live Happily Ever After
In this issue of Higher Education in Russia and Beyond (HERB) contributors from universities in Russia and beyond share case studies about making good use of international mobility programs to enhance research collaboration, about the successes and challenges of hiring faculty members and postdocs internationally, and about the best practices and pitfalls of integrating internationally recruited faculty into the university community. Celebrate the last day of Summer learning about some of the most interesting practices of international recruitment in post-Soviet countries.
CInSt International Workshop on Competition, Regulation and Procurement 2018
On the 28th and the 29th of May the first CInSt International Workshop on Competition, Regulation and Procurement has taken place. Let us draw conclusions.
New issue of the journal ‘Higher Education in Russia and Beyond’
The new issue unfolds the already famous principle ‘publish or perish’, which is spreading fast across university systems all over the world. The message of it is straightforward: in order to prosper at university nowadays, faculty have to publish in addition to teaching. How does it impact on academics, their self-perception and their strategies? What other consequences of following this principle are there?

The pros and cons of Russia's Project 5-100
Maria Yudkevich discusses in Times Higher Education the effects of the Russian government's focus on university rankings