New article "Formation and Evolution Mechanisms in Online Network of Students: The Vkontakte Case"
New article "Formation and Evolution Mechanisms in Online Network of Students: The Vkontakte Case" by S. Dokuka, D. Valeeva, and M. Yudkevich
All You Need for Productive Research: Three Weeks at BOFIT
From October 12 to 30, 2015, Maria Semenova worked at Bank of Finland's Institute for Economies in Transition (BOFIT) in Helsinki.
Social Networks Can Support Academic Success
Social networks have been found to influence academic performance: students tend to perform better with high-performers among their friends, as some people are capable of inspiring others to try harder, according to Maria Yudkevich, Sofia Dokuka and Dilara Valeyeva of the HSE Centre for Institutional Studies.
Public-private Partnership: Comparing the Russian and the European Experience
A research seminar on ‘Public-private partnership: design and discussion’ took place at the HSE campus in Perm. The event was organized by the Division of Public-Private Partnership Studies. Russian, as well as international researchers from Italy, Sweden, and Great Britain, spoke on topical problems of public-private partnership.
‘Stay at Home in Summer – Stay without a Research in Winter’
This summer, research interns from the Centre for Institutional Studies participated in the 4thGESIS Summer School in Survey Methodology in Cologne and share their impressions about it below.
Higher Education in Russia and Beyond 3(5) Fall 2015
Higher Education in Russia and Beyond team is proud to present the 5th issue of a bulletin that is aimed at bringing current Russian, Central Asian and Eastern European educational trends to the attention of the international higher education research community.
Young People Migrate to Cities with Good Reputation
The opportunity to find an interesting and well-paid job, a comfortable socio-cultural environment, and friendly and professional contacts in the new location are all essential factors for graduates of universities from Russian regions who are planning to move to another city. Saida Ziganurova , Research Assistant at the HSE Center for Institutional Studies, studied the migration potential among young professionals.
New working paper "The Diffusion of Academic Achievements: Social Selection and Influence in Student Networks"
New working paper "The Diffusion of Academic Achievements: Social Selection and Influence in Student Networks" by Sofia Dokuka, Diliara Valeeva, and Maria Yudkevich.

More than gold: university rankings and the Olympics
Maria Yudkevich, Philip Altbach and Laura Rumbley examine the parallels between the grading of global institutions and sport in Times Higher Education