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CInSt Research Seminars

All videos of CInSt Research Seminars are available on our Youtube channel 

Regular CInSt research seminars are held on Thursdays. During these seminars CInSt researchers or their foreign colleagues present and discuss their finished or prepared for publication papers.

Moderators: Leonid PolishchukElena Podkolzina and Maria Yudkevich

Coordinator: Bernardo Pincheira

09.12.21Katherine MeckelCigarette taxes, smoking, and health in the long-runAbstractFull textVideo
25.11.21Giuseppe MoscelliVoting, Contagion and the Trade-Off between Public Health and Political Rights: Quasi-Experimental Evidence from the Italian 2020 PollsAbstractFull textVideo 
11.11.21Tuomas PekkarinenThe making of social democracy: The economic and electoral consequences of Norway’s 1936 folk school reformAbstractFull text Video
28.10.21Roberto BonfattiTrade disruption, industrialisation and the setting sun of British colonial rule in IndiaAbstractFull textVideo
21.10.21Andrei MarkevichThe political-economic causes of the Soviet Great Famine, 1932-33AbstractFull textVideo 
07.10.21Joshua GoodmanThe COVID-19 Pandemic Disrupted Both School Bullying and CyberbullyingAbstarctFull textVideo
23.09.21Antonella BancalariCoordination and the Poor Maintenance Trap: an Experiment on Public Infrastructure in IndiaAbstractFull textVideo
24.06.21Francesco DecarolisRules, discretion and corruption in procurement: Evidence from Italian government contractingAbstractFull textVideo
17.06.21Leonid PolishchukPolicy Responses to COVID-19 in Russian RegionsAbstract Video
10.06.21Christopher Parsons For FARC’s sake: Demobilizing the oldest guerrilla in modern historyAbstract Video
03.06.21Anastasia Terskaya Wealth effect on marriage and fertility outcomesAbstract  Video
27.05.21Marko Vladisavljevic Child Penalty in Russia: Evidence from an Event StudyAbstractFull text Video
20.05.21Nikki Shure Intergenerational educational mobility to university: The role of non-cognitive skillsAbstract  Video
13.05.21Marco Bertoni Is There Life After Politics? The Long-run Private Returns of Serving as Mayor in ItalyAbstract  
29.04.21Kristiina HuttunenIn Sickness and in Health: Job Displacement and Health Spillovers in CouplesAbstractFull textVideo 
08.04.21Amalia MillerCovid-19 and domestic violenceAbstract Full textVideo
01.04.21Michael Clemens & Thomas GinnGlobal Mobility and the Threat of Pandemics: Evidence from Three CenturiesAbstractFull textVideo
25.03.21Alexey MakarinTrust, Affinity and InformationAbstractFull textVideo
11.03.21Sebastian Ottinger History’s Masters: The Effect of European Monarchs on State Performance AbstractFull text Video
04.03.21Francisco Cabrera Does grading bias affect indigenous college students in Mexico? Evidence from a field experiment Abstract

Full text 

25.02.21Alexander YarkinAncestral Shocks and Political Attitudes of Immigrants: Evidence from the European Refugee CrisisAbstract Video
11.02.21Jan Bietenbeck
Own Motivation, Peer Motivation, and Educational Success Abstract Full textVideo
04.02.21Cristiano Perugini
Credit and Income Mobility in Russia Abstract Video
21.02.21Constantine Yannelis
The Distributional Effects of Student Loan ForgivenessAbstractFull textVideo 


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