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CInSt Research Seminar "Cigarette taxes, smoking, and health in the long-run": Katherine Meckel (UCSD)

Event ended

Katherine Meckel (UCSD) is going to present a paper "Cigarette taxes, smoking, and health in the long-run" on the regular CInSt research seminar on December, 9


Medical experts have argued forcefully that using cigarettes harms health, prompting the adoption of myriad anti-smoking policies. The association between smoking and mortality may, however, be driven by unobserved factors, making it difficult to discern the underlying long-term causal relationship. In this study, we explore the effects of cigarette taxes experienced as a teenager, which are arguably exogenous, on adult smoking participation and mortality. A one-dollar increase in teenage cigarette taxes is associated with an 8 percent reduction in adult smoking participation and a 6 percent reduction in mortality. Mortality effects are most pronounced for heart disease and lung cancer.

Time: 18:10-19:30 (UTC+3).  
Location:  Online in Zoom
Working language: English.    
The link to join Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/7488279147
Here is the instruction about how to join the seminar in  Zoom:  https://cinst.hse.ru/en/news/350230570.html

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