CInSt Research Seminar "Ancestral Shocks and Political Attitudes of Immigrants: Evidence from the European Refugee Crisis": Alexander Yarkin (Brown University)
Alexander Yarkin (Brown University) is going to present his paper "Ancestral Shocks and Political Attitudes of Immigrants: Evidence from the European Refugee Crisis" on regular CInSt research seminar on February, 25
This paper explores how salient events happening abroad can affect local attitudes and behaviors via the networks of ancestral/ethnic ties. Specifically, the paper focuses on the European Refugee Crisis in 2014-2016, and demonstrates how attitudes towards immigrants, ideological conservatism, and voting patterns of people living in the US and in Europe who trace their ancestry to different (sub)regions in Europe react to the inflow of refugees and corresponding attitudinal change in their ancestral homelands. As a first step, the paper documents that such cross-border political spillovers are significant and large, and operate along the ethnic lines. Second, it attempts to establish the mechanism(s) of how ancestral/ethnic ties still matter for the formation of political and social attitudes, focusing on social media (Facebook, Twitter) ties and other media coverage as mechanisms.
Time: 18:10-19:30 (UTC+3).
Location: Online in Zoom
Working language: English.
The link to join Zoom:
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Information about the speaker