A new paper in Higher Education Quarterly by Andrey Lovakov, Maria Yudkevich and Olga Alipova
This paper studies the publication productivity of inbreds and non‐inbreds among Russian academics. The authors did not find any difference in current publication productivity of inbreds and non‐inbreds. However, they found a difference in the cumulative publication productivity: non‐inbreds are being more productive on an individual level throughout their careers.
New Publications on Democracy in Russia and 2D:4D Reseach
Research collectives of CInSt groups "Historical Roots and Economic Significance of Social Capital" and "Human Capital, Institutions, and Development" shared results of their work

HERB 4(18) Academic Inbreeding
The winter issue of the journal is all about academic inbreeding. This time, not only there are various articles for those who take an interest in this topic, but also a short guide on research literature dedicated to academic inbreeding for the most curious ones.
How do academics get paid in Russia?
The article of CInSt Research Fellow Ilya Prakhov on the determinants of academic salaries in Russia is published online in Higher Education journal.

HERB 3(17) Cheating and Plagiarism in Higher Education
The new issue of Higher Education in Russia and Beyond considers the problem of ethics and unethical behaviour in higher education.
What influences student mobility in Russia?
Journal of Further and Higher Education published an article of CInSt reserchers on socio-ecenomic predictors of student mobility.
International Higher Education. Volume 94
The new issue highlights the broad spectrum of problems of higher education worldwide: from the #MeToo movement and gender issues to publishing and journals.

HERB 2(16) English in Russian Universities: Mind the Gap
This issue addresses the problems of integrating faculty and students into the global educational and research environment.

HERB 1(15) University Mergers and Collaborations in Higher Education
The new issue of HERB is devoted to mergers and collaborations in higher education.