Higher Education in Russia and Beyond 1(19) Spring 2019
Regionalism in Higher Education
Regionalism is a relatively new lens through which to understand contemporary trends and directions in higher education. Regionalism refers to the introduction of supranational political initiatives for higher education that are formed around regional alliances, associations and groupings. Countries and higher education institutions in the former Soviet space are becoming involved with an everexpanding range of regional higher education initiatives, connecting to large regional political blocs such as the European Union as well as smaller groups that may have more specific economic and social purposes.
In this special issue of HERB, the evolving patterns of regionalism in the former Soviet space and Central and Eastern Europe at national and institutional level are explored. In doing so, the articles in this issue fill important gaps in our knowledge and analysis of how higher education regionalism is playing out and why it is important.
The first section of the special issue contains articles that consider the varieties of regionalism on offer, from Europe to Asia to the Western Balkans. The second section turns to the former Soviet space, examining whether there is a case for a “post-Soviet” or Eurasian region. As one of the most important regions for higher education Russia and beyond, the third section focusses on educational initiatives led by the European Union that countries are choosing to actively participate in.
Guest editor—Emma Sabzalieva (PhD Candidate, University of Toronto, Canada)