Congratulations to Timur Natkhov and Natalia Vasilenok on receiving the Larry Neal prize for the best article of the year in the Explorations in Economic History!
The article "Skilled immigrants and technology adoption: Evidence from the German settlements in the Russian empire", published by senior research fellow Timur Natkhov and former research assistant, currently PhD student at Stanford Natalia Vasilenok, received the annual Larry Neal Prize

Stanislav Avdeev has been awarded for the best master's thesis in economics
Stanislav Avdeev, Research Assistant at CInSt, has received an award in the best master's thesis competition in economics held by the European University at Saint Petersburg. The topic of the paper is "Zero Returns to Higher Education: Evidence from a Natural Experiment". Victor Rudakov, Research Fellow at CInSt, Senior Research Fellow at LLMS, is a supervisor of Stanislav's thesis.

Congratulations to Natalia Vasilenok on being admitted to Ph.D. program at Stanford!
Natalia Vasilenok, Research Assistant at CInSt, has been accepted to Ph.D. program in Political Science at Stanford University.

Stanislav Avdeev, research assistant at CInSt, was awarded the scholarship of the Oxford Russia Fund
Oxford Russia Fund was established in 2005 by graduates of the University of Oxford. The aim is to support promising Russian scholars in social sciences and to create a community of research-oriented students.