CInSt researchers at the main European conference on higher education — CHER 2019
The conference took place at University of Kassel, Germany, and gathered 146 papers by researchers from over 30 countries. CInSt researchers addressed 5 different topics on higher education from bibliometrics to policy implications and economics of education.
Maria Yudkevich presented two co-authored papers. In the first paper co-authored with Natalia Matveeva and Ivan Sterligov, they estimated the effect of the Russian University excellence program (Project 5-100) on research performance of top Russian universities.
In the second paper, Maria Yudkevich with Andrey Lovakov investigated the multidisciplinary roots of higher education research, with the focus on the contribution of psychology, economics, and sociology.
Anna Panova presented the paper co-authored with Maria Yudkevich on a governance model in Russian universities. In the paper, the authors studied whether there was any impact of recent educational reforms.
Stanislav Avdeev presented the co-authored paper with Andrey Lovakov and Maria Yudkevich, in which they examined whether there is an academic consensus on the list of the key higher education journals.
Ilya Prakhov presented a study which aims to assess the expected returns on higher education in Russia, as well as to determine empirically the factors affecting the expected returns on higher education.
Moreover, Maria Yudkevich and Anna Panova participated in a workshop of the international project “Academic Profession in Knowledge Society (APIKS)” with 20 country teams. There were the world known scholars of higher education — Ulrich Teichler, Futao Huang, Glen Jones among the participants of the workshop. CInSt researchers together with teams from Germany, Canada and Kazakhstan, worked on a problem of the engagement activities of world-class universities.