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Научный семинар ИНИИ "Technology Adoption in Agrarian Societies: the Effect of Volga Germans in Imperial Russia": Наталья Василенок (НИУ ВШЭ)

Мероприятие завершено

14 ноября Наталья Василенок представит совместную работу с Тимуром Натховым "Technology Adoption in Agrarian Societies: the Effect of Volga Germans in Imperial Russia" на регулярном научном семинаре ИНИИ.

Докладчик: Наталья Василенок, стажёр-исследователь ИНИИ.

This paper examines technology adoption in pre-industrial societies. We use the case of a technologically advanced and spatially concentrated German mi- nority in Saratov province of the Russian Empire to study adoption patterns among Russian peasants in late 19th–early 20th century. We find that distance from German colonies predicts the prevalence of heavy ploughs, fanning mills and wheat sowing among Russians, who traditionally sowed rye and plowed with wooden ard (sokha). We show a significant rise in labor productivity in agricul- ture resulting from the adoption of heavy ploughs. However, we find no evidence for the adoption of non-codified knowledge like blacksmithing, carpentry, textile manufacture, tanning and other artisan skills. Hence, the adoption of advanced tools does not necessary induce the diffusion of skills required to produce those tools. This may well be the key to the problem of slow technological convergence.

Полный текст (PDF, 2.22 Мб) 

Начало в 18:10.  
Место: Покровский бульвар 11, K416, Москва.
Рабочий язык: английский.   
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