Гражданская культура и политическая самоорганизация в России (научный семинар ИНИИ)
Докладчики: Алексей Макарьин (ПрИиСК ИНИИ), Леонид Полищук (ПрИиСК ИНИИ)
Докладчики: Алексей Макарьин* (ПрИиСК ИНИИ), Леонид Полищук** (ПрИиСК ИНИИ)
1 ноября, четверг, Ауд. 424 (Мясницкая-24, стр. 3), 18.30.
Russia did not witness mass public protests since Perestroika and a few turbulent years that followed. The society was content to relegate politics to the elites while being preoccupied by adjustment to the new realities and later enjoying a degree of economic prosperity. However over fifteen years of political tranquility suddenly ended when tens of thousands took to the streets in Moscow and other major Russian cities to protest alleged electoral fraud and demand democracy and the rule of law.
We argue in the paper that these rallies manifested a significant cultural shift in the Russian society which is a predictable outcome of economic development, accumulation of human capital, and globalization. The process of value change remained latent (although detectable by surveys) until a political “shock” of grand electoral fraud which sparked a massive spontaneous reaction. The rallies have signaled increased strength of the Russian civil society and its ability to resolve the political collective action problem and form coalitions across the political spectrum in support of democracy and the rule of law. This credible signal of a value shift will be a long-lasting factor of Russia’s political development, affecting expectations and ultimately actions of masses and elites alike.
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Рабочий язык: русский.
*Макарьин Алексей Алексеевич — бакалавр экономики, стажер-исследователь ПрИиСК ИНИИ.
**Полищук Леонид Иосифович — кандидат экономических наук, профессор, заведующий Лабораторией прикладного анализа институтов и социального капитала