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Видеозапись семинара "Frontiers in Peer Effects Theory and Estimation"

Speaker: Gigi Foster (Associate Professor, University of New South Wales Australia Business School, Sydney, New South Wales)

June 11, ThursdayMyasnitskaya 24, building 3, room 424, 17.30. 

An economics literature in peer effects has blossomed over the past 20 years, with a number of authors in this area breaking into the top journals in the discipline.  In this talk, Gigi Foster will review the contributions made by our discipline to the study of peer effects; discuss the remaining problems and common mistakes that afflict researchers in the field;  and map where the present frontiers lie - including fruitful areas for applied researchers to focus right now. She will argue that our discipline's Achilles heel in this area of research is that our innovation in econometric estimation, while impressive, has outstripped our successes in understanding and accommodating into our models the mechanisms that underpin the mechanics of peer effects.