Russian Regional Institutions: Measurement, Typology, Dynamics (Center for Institutional Studies Research Seminar)
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Speaker: Leonid I. Polischuk (Professor at the Faculty of Economics, Head of the Laboratory for Applied Analysis of Institutions and Social Capital, NRU HSE)
February 19, Thursday, Myasnitskaya 24, building 3, room 424, 17.30.
Comparative institutional analyses at subnational level have significant advantages over cross-country ones, but could be obstructed by high uniformity of regional institutions and a lack of reliable measures of regional institutional performance. In Russia institutional quality exhibits profound variations over 80 plus subnational units, and there are numerous measures of regional institutions. We analyze such measures, offer new indexes of institutional quality and use them to develop a typology of regional institutional regimes, and explore regional institutional trends against the backdrop of institutional dynamics nation-wide. We show that Russian regional institutions are essentially multidimensional, and therefore Russian regions cannot be ranked in terms of their overall institutional quality. We identify two patterns of regional institutions where corruption is either centralized or decentralized, and compare such regimes in terms of economic outcomes. Finally, we show that deterioration of institutional quality nation-wide leads to divergence of regional institutional regimes.
Working paper: download