Институты и распределение талантов (научный семинар ИНИИ)
Докладчики: Тимур Натхов (ПрИиСК ИНИИ), Леонид Полищук (ПрИиСК ИНИИ)
Докладчики: Тимур Натхов* (ПрИиСК ИНИИ), Леонид Полищук** (ПрИиСК ИНИИ)
9 февраля, четверг, Ауд. Ж-804 (Покровский б-р, 11), 18:10
Institutions affect investment decisions, including investments in human capital and hence the allocation of talent. Good market-supporting institutions attract talents to socially productive activities, whereas poor ones raise the appeal of rent-seeking. We propose a theoretical model which shows that more talented individuals are particularly sensitive in their career choices to the quality of institutions, and test its predictions on a sample of nearly 100 countries around the world. We find strong positive association between the quality of institutions and graduation of college and university students in science and engineering, and an even stronger negative one – with graduation in law. Our findings are robust to various specifications of empirical models, including smaller samples of former colonies and transition countries. The quality of human capital makes the distinction between educational choices under strong and weak institutions especially sharp. We show that the allocation of talent is an important link between institutions and growth.
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*Натхов Тимур Владимирович - младший научный сотрудник ПрИиСК ИНИИ, доцент кафедры институциональной экономики.
**Полищук Леонид Иосифович - кандидат экономических наук, заведующий ПрИиСК ИНИИ, профессор кафедры институциональной экономики