Научный семинар ИНИИ "The effects of communist indoctrination: Evidence from two educational reforms in Poland": Хорхе Гарсия-Омбрадос (Автономный университет Мадрида)
Хорхе Гарсия-Омбрадос представит исследование "The effects of communist indoctrination: Evidence from two educational reforms in Poland" на регулярном научном семинаре ИНИИ 4 июня
This paper documents the perverse effects of communist indoctrination on labour market outcomes and human capital investments. To achieve this goal, we investigate the impacts of two educational reforms in Poland. Firstly, we show that, unlike in East Germany (Fuchs-Schündeln and Masella, 2016), the school reform that followed the fall of the communist regime in Poland had little effects on labour market outcomes or human capital. We argue the null effects of this reform are driven by the small load of indoctrination in the Polish educational system in the 80's. Secondly, we examine and document the beneficial effects of the school reform that reduced significantly communist indoctrination in school from school year 1954-55.
Начало в 18:10 (МСК).
Место: Онлайн в Zoom.
Рабочий язык: английский.
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