Научный семинар ИНИИ "Does Government Support of Few Leading Universities Have an Impact on the Whole Higher Education System? Evidence from Russian University Excellence Initiative": Анна Панова (НИУ ВШЭ)
27 февраля Анна Панова представит совместную работу "Does Government Support of Few Leading Universities Have an Impact on the Whole Higher Education System? Evidence from Russian University Excellence Initiative" на регулярном научном семинаре ИНИИ
Many governments are attempting to improve the higher education system through competitive support of universities. This approach raises questions about the impact of targeted support for a small number of universities on the entire system. Using data from Russia, we estimate spillover effects and evaluate the latest government initiative in higher education – the Russian University Excellence Initiative (RUEI). In particular, we examine the performance of higher education institutions that were not part of the RUEI in the last five years and were not directly supported by it. We compare the universities’ performances in regions both with and without universities from the RUEI. In doing so, we estimate the indirect impact of the RUEI on the higher education sector at the regional level. Our findings suggest that various spillover effects do indeed take place. Proximity to a RUEI university has a significant positive effect on the quality of freshmen in neighboring universities. Also, a positive effect on the level of publication activity has recently become apparent. However, there has been no effect on the share of young faculty and international collaboration in publications.
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Место: Покровский бульвар 11, K416, Москва.
Рабочий язык: английский.
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