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Научный семинар ИНИИ "Identical Twins or Just Cousins? Attitudes toward Immigrants, Immigration and Racism": Елена Габер (НИУ ВШЭ)

Мероприятие завершено

17 октября Елена Габер представит работу "Identical Twins or Just Cousins? Attitudes toward Immigrants, Immigration and Racism" на научном семинаре ИНИИ.

ДокладчикЕлена Габер, лаборант Института институциональных исследований НИУ ВШЭ.

A growing number of researches, aiming to understand the nature of attitudes toward immigrants and immigration, their predictors and consequences, have been appearing in social sciences and economics since 1990’s Taking into account the European silent rules of expressing attitudes in politically correct way, it's not a rare case when people who express negative attitudes toward immigrants or negative attitudes toward immigration can be attributed to the ones, who share racist views. But if it's really a case? If there is no difference between people who think that increasing number of immigrants could pose threat to their society in a number of ways and those, who think that some races are better than others? If these phenomena have the same predictors on both individual and country levels? Another arising question relates to the comparing attitudes toward immigrants and attitudes toward immigrants and immigration. Should one treats all these three phenomena as one or it makes sense to measure them separately? 

Начало в 18:10.  
Место: Покровский бульвар 11, K416, Москва.

Рабочий язык: английский.   
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