Научный семинар ИНИИ "Funding acknowledgements in the Web of Science and Scopus databases as an object of science studies: the case of Russia": Иван Стерлигов (НИУ ВШЭ)
10 октября Иван Стерлигов представит работу совместную работу с Татьяной Савиной, Александрой Чичковой "Funding acknowledgements in the Web of Science and Scopus databases as an object of science studies: the case of Russia" на научном семинаре ИНИИ.
We present a scientometric analysis of the funding acknowledgements in publications with Russian affiliations in leading scientific journals, indexed simultaneously in two widely used databases: Scopus and Web of Science (WoS). Based on the metadata of the set of publications with Russian affiliation in the Nature Index journals published in 2014-2017, we compare the completeness of the indexed data about grant funders in the two databases and identify the most prominent funding sponsors. We also analyze the grant support of publications of leading universities in Russia, dynamics of activity of both Russian and foreign funders, the scope of international coauthorship. We conclude that WoS is markedly superior in terms of completeness of indexed funding acknowledgements. Using WoS data, we are able to state that previously dominant Russian Foundation for Basic Research is rapidly complemented and partly supplanted by the Russian Science Foundation, while foreign grant funders maintain their significant role. We also show than RFBR-supported papers are cited less than other Russian papers in Nature Index, and that for RSF there is no such difference.
We also present first preliminary results of a larger study of all Russian papers in the WoS and Scopus databases which have indexed funding acknowledgements. Using previously compiled text queries for major grant funders we study dynamic differences in publication counts, journal quality, and level of internationalization for RFBR, RSF and the like.
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