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Международный семинар ИНИИ "International Workshop on Competition, Regulation and Procurement"

Мероприятие завершено

Открыта регистрация на участие в онлайн-трансляции*

28 — 29
мая 2018
Национальный исследовательский университет
«Высшая школа экономики»
Аудитория 508 / Москва, ул. Мясницкая 9-11

Competition is an essential force to deliver economic efficiency and innovation leading to a higher level of consumer welfare. In many markets, however, competition may not emerge naturally and may need to be promoted and maintained by proper rules followed by effective enforcement. Once emerged, unregulated competition may produce a number of unwanted effects, from quality degradation to self-destruction through cartelization. Industry heterogeneity, limited contractibility, and firms legal and illegal attempts to avoid competitive pressure make the task of designing rules promoting healthy competition all but easy. Public procurement adds a major additional layer of complexity to this task, coming from the need to ensure public buyer’s accountability. Since government agencies are not particularly subject to competitive pressure nor always keen in monitoring themselves, corruption remains a central problem of many public procurement markets that must be taken into account when designing regulations to promote healthy competition. This international workshop aims both to stimulate research on these important topics and to disseminate the results of it to lay public, to lawmakers and to practitioners.

Рабочий язык мероприятия — английский.

* Зарегистрированные получат ссылку на страницу с трансляцией в день семинара.
Институт институциональных исследований 
Национального исследовательского университета «Высшая школа экономики»

Стокгольмский институт переходной экономики
Стокгольмской школы экономики
Проект Opening Economics (Labex)
Парижской школы экономики
Падуанский университет
При поддержке Королевского экономического общества